Monday, January 05, 2004

So, I'm sitting here thinking...well besides conjuring up ways to blow up this department...what are we doing, I mean, what are we striving for? YEAH, I KNOW: Money....hmm maybe, but that seems too low a thing to do, chase money...i dont know about that...WELL HOW ABOUT KNOWLEDGE: Yeah maybe, but knowledge is not for the sake of knowledge...most of us just want to learn more because it will probably put us in a good position later on in life...nice job, beautiful spouses, and fast what is it that we seek...what is it that we need...we want...ACCEPTANCE?, FRIENDSHIP? think i'm gonna say its COMPANIONSHIP...some thing, that will be there with you for a long time...maybe its a someone, then why is it that we even consider letting that someone, who might be "THE ONE" go? WHY NOT EMBRACE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE WITH THAT PERSON...AND STAND UP AND FIGHT...AND SAY THIS IS WHO I LOVE...THIS IS WHO I WANT...THIS IS WHO I NEED....THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN SEEKING!

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