Friday, January 30, 2004

It's time for us as the people to make a change...lets change the way we eat...sorry...i can't get enough of Tupac...Anyone wanting to get a feel for pure hostility...unchecked hatred...check out hit em' up by the man...anyway...was thinking about this...what is the difference between a best friend and a girl/boy friend...if its a long distance thing?

Took some time to actually get myself out of the situation to think clearly...and this is what i came up with...expectations...see the only thing that is different when you date someone as compared to being someones best the fact that there is an intimacy...and trust that goes with being in a situation like that and that...leads to expectations...the physical intimacy leads to emotional yeah...the only way to do to lose them...lose your expectations...and...hakuna matata

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