Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Mind Reader

No matter how badly i played, i must say that win on saturday was GREAT...I have to do my laundry...i have no clean socks...no frigging boxers left....and my room, bathroom, car are a mess. This weekend...i will clean it this coming weekend...this rationalization has been going on in my head for oh about two weeks now...can you believe that i have to pay $1.25 per load be it the washer or the dryer! That's insane...I should go work on the dsc rather than write about this stuff...i could go do my laundry in priya's house...or the phi tau house...but the dryer dosen't work there...i wonder whats going on in the pps meetings...my results from the gel fraction and crosslink density experiments suck...i'll have to do it all over again...MAN! Pankaj's bike rocks....its a 600 cc Suzuki Katana...and i just rode it to my house and back....it is so light and so fast....and loud....its like you are sitting on a rocket...i guess that's why they call it a pocket rocket...priya wants me to go with her to get a new cd player installed in her car, and rizzo called asking if i wanted to go to the driving range...hmmm....but i should be doing the dsc experiment...hmmm....but golf is by far the most addictive sport ever! No matter if you do good or bad...you need more of it....win's like that establish the character of the team, it's like a cliche, it's the coming of age story! it's everything, but the best part is it's still early in the tournament and we gut one out! That's my kinda win! I hope the birthday party turns out decent, i hope its half as fun as the last one....that's the problem with having a great party...you probably won't out do it! I need a bike in mumbai....forget that.....i need a skyline gtr in mumbai....i want to be rich enough to have those cars and bikes and not worry about extortion calls, or duties, or the fact that i would be paying twice the amount that the car is worth...to money! The root of all evils! TIME FOR DSC

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