Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Number Three
He is the nicest guy there is....so much so that sometimes he dosen't even realize that he is being made fun of....thats when my need to protect pritam began....we were at brubaker's, myself, atanas, number three (pritam) and lubo, their last roomie...and he kept being mean to pritam and i was like man...what's going on here!
I didn't have much to write about until I read this mail from him....he just reached India and was emailing me to let me know that he got there, this is what he wrote:

Hi Brajesh

I had a safe ontime journey with any problems. But although I kept on asking god to get some nice hot indian chick all throughtout my journey......................I never did get one. Some times u feel god is not there................


He is the shit man! He knows me now for a year and a half, and he still calls me brajesh! even pronounces it that way...now pritam is like a kid who still thinks like one....but as you can see from his mail, that under my tutelage he is learning to appreciate "grown up" things!

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